DNS hosting

DNS hosting is the service of keeping and maintaining Internet domain of AMRES user on  AMRES DNS servers. User has the possibility of hosting Internet domains which are exclusively sub-domains of ac.rs and ak.srb whose registration is under AMRES competence.

Within DNS hosting services, two sub-services are defined:

  • Primary DNS server: keeps and maintains Internet domain on AMRES DNS servers,
  • Secondary DNS server: keeps Internet domain on AMRES DNS server as redundant service for primary DNS server which is under the competence of  AMRES user.

It is common interest and aspiration to make conditions for keeping and maintaining Internet domains of AMRES users on primary DNS server which is under the competence of the user. In this way AMRES user would have possibility of full control and responsibility for its maintenance.

AMRES user who wants to use DNS hosting service has to file application by email to email address helpdesk@amres.ac.rs. Application may be submitted only by person in charge of technical contact responsible for registration of Internet domains.

Application should include the following information:

  • Name of Internet domain (e.g. name.ac.rs or name.ak.srb),
  • Data about A record (necessary),
  • Data about MX record as well as data about any other record (optional),
  • If AMRES user uses  Secondary DNS server service, it is necessary to give  IP address of DNS server which is under user’s competence and which serves as redundant server for given Internet domain.