Contact Persons with AMRES

Each AMRES user appoints one or more persons as technical and administrative contact with AMRES:

  • Technical contact is the person who, as representative of the AMRES user, participates in technical aspects of using AMRES services (e.g. realizing connection to AMRES network, configuration of institution’s local network devices and LAN management, configuration of infrastructure resources for using AMRES services, etc.),
  • Administrative contact is the person who represents AMRES user in administrative aspects of using AMRES services. This person makes coordination and organization of introduction of AMRES services. Also, he/she is responsible for submitting request for initiation or termination of using AMRES services and takes care that other appointed contacts react to AMRES requirements duly and efficiently.

Accounts for Technical and Administrative Contacts

In order to unify access to services intended for technical and administrative contacts, AMRES maintains single base of their digital identities (accounts). Persons appointed as technical or administrative contact or persons appointed as technical contact for certain AMRES services that the institution uses, have the right to this account. Accounts are strictly personal and they are not intended for sharing within the group of administrators.

Currently, this account is used for access to following services intended for AMRES users‘ contacts:

Access to services within iAMRES federation, intended for end users, is also enabled by using these accounts.

If you do not have an account, it is necessary to send application to, and we will contact you after that. You may reset your password as well as log in and see the details of your account on web page